Growing Things


I have a particular sort of fondness for growing things. Flowers come to mind. People, the best kinds. Dreams. And now: Half Mystic.

Perhaps it was inevitable that our team would come to this. We are, after all, the best sort of dreamers – just insane enough to take on the challenge of turning this tiny journal into something bright, blooming, beautiful.

And so, the news is that the writing and music submission deadline for Issue I has been extended. Here is why: rather than simply an online journal, as we had originally planned, the first issue of Half Mystic will be released in print, soft-cover and perfect-bound.

It is utterly thrilling that this is what we have come to. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am that we are tackling this challenge – but in order to succeed, we need your help.

In conjunction with the print issue, we have a goal to accumulate as much gorgeous work as possible, and for that reason, we have extended the deadline (which was originally February 5th). Lovelies, we want to showcase your writing and music. Send us your work teeming with melody. We want the privilege of letting the world see what beauty you have created. Please do submit your writing and music to Issue I; we are so looking forward to marvelling at your talent.

And yet another exciting piece of news: along with the deadline extension & print issues, we have decided to create a new website! (Goodness. To think that we would outgrow our old one in just a few short months.) We want the flexibility of a self-hosted website and the consolidation of our blog and website into one, especially since our issues will be published rather infrequently. And so I will be working on this in the coming days; keep an eye out.

But along with all of the above: we are now hiring one to two more blog correspondents, who will be aiding in keeping the new website updated! Applicants will have the opportunity to grow HM’s audience through their posts, and, of course, the wonder of watching this beautiful thing evolve into whatever direction it takes. I think I speak for the entire team when I say that we would so love to have you join in.

There is more coming: soon, soon, soon. There is planning happening behind-the-scenes. So much discussion. Some arguing. (What is a team without a good argument once in awhile?) Laughter, of course. And we are spinning HM into something that belongs to not just us, but to you.

These are only the first steps. But it is growing. It is all happening. And oh – I cannot wait for the things that come next.

AnnouncementsTopaz Winters