Introducing Half Mystic's Writing Editor


I am over the moon to tell you that, after countless applications and countless frustrated rejections, the pieces have fallen into place at last – and Half Mystic is immensely proud to welcome onto the team Margaryta Golovchenko as our writing editor. The writing editor position was one that remained barren for months, and one that we had so many applicants for – but through it all, there was no one who truly seemed to embody the spark of what Half Mystic represents. We had some immensely qualified applicants, and yet there was no one who understood the vision I had for this little journal, no one who had fallen head-over-heels for the enchantment of music and writing and all of the ways they are inseparably woven together.

And then Margaryta came along, and the fog lifted.

Music and writing are my two great loves, and I think that is why I found it so difficult to hand over the job of curating writing submissions to someone else. It is one of the most challenging things to entrust that to another person, especially one I am only just getting to know – but when Margaryta sent in her application, something lovely slotted into place. What Half Mystic truly needs is an editor who understands writing and music and adores both in equal measure – and I have no qualms that Margaryta is that person.

I am so very delighted that our team is continuing to grow, and that it is now comprised of three such beautiful members apart from myself.

And, of course, there is more work to be done in the New Year – and more teammates to bring on board, and more Issue I submissions to compile – but for now, it is truly a wonderful thing to have a kindred spirit fill this long-lacking position.

Please give Margaryta the warmest of welcomes. Her presence makes Half Mystic so much lovelier, and so much more complete.