Announcing the Submission Deadline of Issue I: Allegro


Dearest songbirds, the time has come at last – we are thrilled to announce that submissions for the inaugural issue of Half Mystic are now closed! It would be a truly shocking understatement to tell you that we received submissions during this reading period of more beauty than we could possibly fathom. From veteran creators to those who were only just venturing into the submission process – we welcomed all of you with open arms, and each & every submission brought us luminescence & warmth.

We are bursting with joy. Nearly 100 creators trusted us with their work, more support than we could ever have anticipated. And the chosen pieces shall be arranged into an even greater symphony, to be released on the 15th of May: HM’s first volume, the allegro issue. Thank you for gifting us with your melodies, songbirds. We could not be more grateful to have had the opportunity to hold them, cup them to our ears, treasure them like the beams of light they are.

The HM team is hard at work, now, on the next stage of the Issue I process: crafting your gorgeous contributions into a living, thrumming, speeding creation that embodies allegro to its fullest extent.

We shall be sharing flashes of this with you on the blog in the coming days – do look out for a very special interview with our Issue I featured artist, regular columns by our staff members, snippets of some of the notes that we received from contributors, and a special letter from yours truly introducing the allegro issue (!).

Such magic is happening. We are seeing the beginning & the ending both wrapped into one, and this journey would be so very lonely without your music to guide us home.

Songbirds, we cannot wait for you to see the final Issue I. A gentle reminder—if you have not already, pre-order either the physical or eBook copy for a dose of loveliness on your doorstep the day that allegro arrives.

The skipping pulse & the desperate escape are happening now.

And we cannot wait for you to glimpse this magic we have crafted together.